Modern Robotics with OpenCV

Widodo Budiharto  © by the authors

ISBN: 978-1-940366-12-8
Published Date: April 9, 2014
Pages: 219
Paperback: $99
Publisher: Science Publishing Group
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Book Description

Robotics is an interesting topic today. This book is written to provide an introduction to intelligent robotics using OpenCV. This very useful book intended for a first course in robot vision and covers modeling and implementation of intelligent robot. The need for this textbook arose from teaching robotics to student and hobbyist for many years and facing the difficulty to provide excellent book to explain advanced technology in intelligent robotics and kinematics of the robot.

This book differs from other robot vision textbooks:
1. Its content is consisting of many implementations of mobile robot and manipulator using OpenCV.
2. Using newest technology in Microcontroller such as Propeller Microcontroller for robotics.
3. Its content is consisting of introduction and implementation of OpenCV described clearly.

Author Introduction

Dr. Widodo Budiharto is a senior lecturer and researcher at School of Computer Science Binus University, Jakarta-Indonesia. He was PhD graduated from Institute of Technology Sepuluh Nopember (ITS) Surabaya. His research areas are Robot Vision, Artificial Intelligence, mobile programming and Embedded Systems. He has many experience for guest professor, and consultant in embedded systems and robotics in Indonesia.

Table of Contents
  • The Whole Book

  • Front Matter

  • Chapter 1 Introduction to Intelligent Robotics

    1. Introduction
    2. History of Robot
    3. Types of Robot
    4. Embedded Systems for Robot
    5. Robot Vision
    6. Exercises
    7. References
  • Chapter 2 Propeller Microcontroller

    1. Introduction
    2. Introduction of Propeller Chip
    3. Programming the Propeller
    4. Exercises
    5. References
  • Chapter 3 Basic Programming Robot

    1. Introduction
    2. Robot’s Actuators
    3. DC Motor
    4. Servo Motor
    5. Programming Motor s of Robot
    6. Sensors for Intelligent Robot
    7. Ultrasonic Distance Sensor: PING)))
    8. Compass Module: 3-Axis HMC5883L
    9. Gyroscope Module 3-Axis L3G4200D
    10. PID Controller for the Robot
    11. Exercises
    12. References
  • Chapter 4 Serial Communication with Robot

    1. Introduction
    2. Serial Interface Using Microsoft Visual Basic/C# .Net
    3. Wireless Communication for Robot
    4. 433 MHZ Transceiver
    5. XBee Transceiver
    6. RN-42 Bluetooth Module
    7. Exercises
    8. References
  • Chapter 5 Mechanics of Robots

    1. Introduction
    2. Introduction of Gears
    3. Types of Gears
    4. Rack and Pinion Gears
    5. Arm Geometries
    6. Kinematics of Robot
    7. References
  • Chapter 6 Introduction to OpenCV

    1. Introduction
    2. Introduction of OpenCV
    3. Digital Image Processing
    4. Edge Detection
    5. Optical Flow
    6. References
  • Chapter 7 Programming OpenCV

    1. Introduction
    2. Morphological Filtering
    3. Camshift for Tracking Object
    4. References
  • Chapter 8 Extracting the Component's Contours for Calculating Number of Objects

    1. Introduction
    2. Introduction of Contours
    3. Counting Objects
    4. References
  • Chapter 9 Face Recognition Systems

    1. Introduction
    2. Face Recognition in OpenCV
    3. Haar Cascade Classifier
    4. Face Features Detector
    5. Face Recognition Systems
    6. Rapid Object Detection with a Cascade of Boosted Classifiers Based on Haar-like Features
    7. Negative Samples
    8. Positive Samples
    9. Training
    10. Test Samples
    11. Exercises
    12. References
  • Chapter 10 Intelligent Humanoid Robot

    1. Introduction
    2. Humanoid Robot
    3. The Architecture of the Humanoid Robot
    4. Ball Distance Estimation and Tracking Algorithm
    5. A Framework of Multiple Moving Obstacles Avoidance Strategy
    6. Experiments
    7. Object Detection Using Keypoint and Feature Matching
    8. References
  • Chapter 11 Vision-Based Obstacles Avoidance

    1. Introduction
    2. Obstacle Avoidance of Service Robot
    3. Stereo Imaging Model
    4. Probabilistic Robotics for Multiple Obstacle Avoidance Method
    5. Multiple Moving Obstacles Avoidance Method and Algorithm
    6. Multiple Moving Obstacle Avoidance Using Stereo Vision
    7. References
  • Chapter 12 Vision-Based Manipulator

    1. Introduction
    2. Inverse Kinematics
    3. Vision-Based Manipulator
    4. Grasping Model
    5. Exercise
    6. References
  • Back Matter
